
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
PSA 30 October 2011
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
Sunday Oct 30, 2011
Ken Howcroft: "All Saints Includes You! Sinners allowing themselves to be made perfect in love: A community of openly broken people, open to be raised to life". A semon preached on the Sunday before All Saints Day, which is also designated as 'Reformation Sunday'. This Sunday was also the day after a commemorative stone had been unveiled on the outside of the Church at Ponte Sant'Angelo to Gian Luigi Pascale, a Waldensian preacher in Calabria and a translator of the New Testament from Greek into Italian who was arrested and examined by the Inquisition before being burnt in 1560 in the square on which the Church now stands. The readings were Joshua 3:14-17, Revelation 7:9-17 and Matthew 5:1-12.

Sunday Oct 16, 2011
PSA 16.10.11
Sunday Oct 16, 2011
Sunday Oct 16, 2011
Ken Howcroft: "Seeing the back of God.... and of Caesar?". A sermon the day after demonstrations in Rome about the world finacial crisis turned to violence, asking "Where was God in all that?". The readings were Exodus 33:12-23 and Matthew 22:15-22

Saturday Oct 01, 2011
PSA 25 September 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Ken Howcroft. "Having the mind of Christ?". The readings were Philippians 2: 1-13 and Matthew 21:23-32.

Saturday Oct 01, 2011
PSA 18 September 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Ken Howcroft. "Grace in the Marketplace". The readings were Exodus 15:2-15 and Matthew 20:1-16.

Saturday Oct 01, 2011
PSA 11 September 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
Ken Howcroft. "Forgiving and Forgiven". The readings were Romans 14:1-12 and Matthew 18:21-35.